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Session Management🔗

This checklist is designed to ensure that user sessions on a website are secure. It includes a series of steps and best practices for protecting user data and preventing unauthorized access.

🔨 Session Creation🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity 💀Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Change the default session ID name set by the framework to a generic name as 'id'
Reason: Session ID name can disclose information about the application's framework and language being used
Low Information Leakage SMCS
2 Verify: The session ID must be at least 128 bits or 16 characters long
Reason: Provides enough entropy to make guessing challenging
Medium Brute Force SMCS
3 Verify: The session ID name is meaningless, meaning it doesn't reveal any information about the app or the user
Reason: Prevent sensitive information from leaking
Low Information Leakage SMCS, SP800-63B
4 Verify: The session ID has an entropy of at least 64 bits
Reason: Minimum randomness that makes guessing challenging
Medium Brute Force SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
5 Verify: The session ID is generated by using cryptographically secure random function
Reason: Ensure that the ID value is random and cannot be predicted
High Brute Force SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
6 Verify: The session ID is unique for each user
Reason: Prevent users from accessing someone else's account
High Impersonation NIST
7 Verify: The session mechanism provided by a modern framework is being used
Reason: Custom session mechanisms aren't thoroughly tested and may contain vulnerabilities
High Roll Your Own Code SMCS
8 Verify: If an older version of a framework is being used, ensure that session mechanism isn't vulnerable
Reason: An attacker can compromise your session by using the publicly available vulnerability
High Vulnerable Dependency SMCS

📦 Session Storage🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity 💀Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Secure attribute is enabled for cookies
Reason: Instructs the browser to send cookies through HTTPS
High Eavesdropping xxxxxxxxxx SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
2 Verify: HttpOnly attribute is enabled for cookies
Reason: Instructs web browsers not to allow scripts to prevent XSS
High Injection, Credential Theft SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
3 Verify: SameSite attribute is enabled for cookies
Reason: Instructs web browsers to only send the cookie to the specified domain and all subdomains
Medium Cross-Site Request Forgery SMCS, ASVS
4 Verify: If Domain cookie attribute exists, ensure that the domain value is not too permissive
Reason: Ensures that cookies are only shared with the domain provided. Vulnerabilities in might allow an attacker to get access to the session IDs from
Medium Session Hijacking SMCS, ASVS
5 Verify: If Path cookie attribute exists, ensure it is as restrictive as possible to the application that makes use of the session ID
Reason: If the path is generic such as /, then there's a chance that important cookie, such as session ID, will be accessible throughout the site
Medium Credential Theft SMCS, ASVS
6 Verify: If Expires and Max-Age attributes are used, a short expiration time is set to prevent long persistent cookies
Reason: Persistent cookies will outlive the close browser event. It is highly recommended to use non-persistent cookies for session management purposes so that the session ID does not remain on the web client cache for long periods, from where an attacker can obtain it
Medium Credential Theft SMCS, ASVS
7 Verify: The session ID is not stored in local storage
Reason: Local storage is insecure as it doesn't have protection against XSS attacks, and it's value is persistent unless changed manually in code
High Injection, Credential Theft SMCS
8 Verify: The session ID is not stored in session storage
Reason: Session storage data is persistent unless the tab or window is closed, and it is vulnerable to XSS
High Injection, Credential Theft SMCS
9 Verify: Ensure that session ID is not cached in browser
Reason: If logged in device is stolen or left unattended, someone else can have access to that account
Low Credential Theft SMCS
10 Verify: Session data is stored server side by using secure encryption and hashing algorithms
Reason: Provides additional security incase of a database compromise
High Credential Theft SMCS

🗑️ Session Expiration🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity 💀Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Session expires after a period of inactivity
Reason: Limits the time an attacker has to guess a session ID
High Session Hijacking SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
2 Verify: Expired session ID is no longer active
Reason: This ensures that incase an older session ID is stolen, it won't be of use
High Session Hijacking SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
3 Verify: When the user clicks the logout button, the session is invalidated, and the user is asked to login
Reason: This ensures that an account is not accessible after a logout attempt
High Impersonation SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
4 Verify: Allow the user to invalidate sessions on different devices
Reason: A stolen or old device doesn't give access to someone else
Medium Impersonation SMCS, ASVS
5 Verify: An application should have an absolute timeout after which a user is required to login regardless of their activity/inactivity
Reason: Additional security measure to ensure that session IDs are being refreshed
Low Session Hijacking SMCS
6 Verify: Timeout functionality isn't client based
Reason: An attacker is not able to manipulate the current time and continue their session for longer than intended
Low Session Hijacking SMCS
7 Verify: Session ID renewable process exists regardless of idle timeouts
Reason: This limits the amount of time a hacker can have access to a hijacked session
Low Session Hijacking SMCS

📋 Session Policies🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity 💀Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Session related events are logged such as creation, renewable, and destruction
Reason: Helps in detecting and investigating security incidences
High Insufficient Logging SMCS, ASVS
2 Verify: The session ID is never trusted and is always validated for malicious input before processing it
Reason: Protection against injection and denial of service attacks
High Denial of Service, Injection SMCS
3 Verify: Session ID exchange takes place over TLS (HTTPS)
Reason: Encrypted channel that prevent eavesdropping
High Eavesdropping SMCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
4 Verify: Rate-limiting mechanisms exist on the session ID
Reason: Prevention against guessing and Denial of Service (DoS)
Medium Denial of Service, Brute Force
5 Verify: If a library is used for session management, ensure it is not misconfigured
Reason: Default configurations or misconfigurations can grant unauthorized access to an attacker
High Misconfiguration
6 Verify: Libraries used for session management are not vulnerable
Reason: An attacker can use the vulnerable library to escalate their privileges
High Vulnerable Dependency
7 Verify: The application never reveals session ID in URL parameters or error messages
Reason: An attacker can steal this information and hijack someone's session
Medium Information Leakage ASVS
8 Verify: A new session is generated when privileges change or sensitive features are performed, such as resetting passwords
Reason: Added security in case current session was hijacked
Medium Impersonation SMCS, ASVS
9 Verify: The user is notified when a new session is generated from a new device or location
Reason: In case an unwanted login occurs from another device or a location, the user knows
Medium Impersonation

🔴 Session in Production🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity 💀Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: There's a process for invalidating sessions in the event of a security breach
Reason: Prevent an attacker from having prolonged access
High Session Hijacking
2 Verify: Audit logs are monitored regularly for anomalies
Reason: Identify attacks that were attempted on a user's account
High Session Hijacking
3 Verify: Third party software or libraries used for session management are updated to the most recent version and are regularly patched
Reason: Vulnerability in a third party resource can grant an attacker unauthorized access
High Session Hijacking, Vulnerable Dependency
4 Verify: Conduct regular security assessments, vulnerability scans, and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in custom and third-party code
Reason: Identify any security vulnerabilities that might have appeared in session implementation
High Session Hijacking

🔗 Sources:

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP):

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):