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User ID and Password Authentication🔗

This checklist is designed to ensure the security of user authentication. It includes a series of steps and best practices for protecting user IDs and passwords and preventing unauthorized access to user accounts.

🔨 User Registration🔗


The following two checklists should be considered for the identifiers that can be used as a User ID.


#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Usernames are case insensitive
Reason: Prevent confusion between 'smith' and 'Smith'
Low Impersonation xxxxxxxxxx ACS
2 Verify: Usernames are unique
Reason: Prevent a username to be used for multiple accounts
High Impersonation ACS
3 Verify: Usernames must be at least 6 characters long
Reason: Protection against guessing attacks
High Brute Force ACS
4 Verify: Usernames are not the same as some system-reserved names such as root, admin, administrator, etc.
Reason: Prevent user from receiving high privileges
High Privilege Escalation ACS
5 Verify: Disallow common and easily guessable usernames such as test, user, admin, etc.
Reason: Make it harder for an attacker to predict someone's username
Low Brute Force
6 Verify: Username are no longer than 254 characters in length
Reason: Protection against denial of service attack
Low Denial of Service IVCS


#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Emails are no longer than 254 characters in length
Reason: Protection against denial of service attack
Low Denial of Service xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx IVCS
2 Verify: Email receives a PIN or a URL token for verification. The PIN and URL token Checklists under Forgot Credentials must be used for this
Reason: Verify that a person has access to the email they provided
High Impersonation IVCS
3 Verify: Emails are unique
Reason: Prevent an email to be used for multiple account
High Impersonation IVCS


#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: A password is at least 8 characters in length
Reason: Protect against guessing since shorter passwords can be guessed
High Brute Force xxxxxxxxxxx ACS, NISP800-63B
2 Verify: A password's maximum length is at least 64 characters
Reason: Protect against password length Denial of Service attacks
Low Denial of Service ACS, ASVS, SP800-63B
3 Verify: All ASCII characters, Unicode, and white spaces are considered valid input
Reason: Allow users to create a complex password which will make it hard to guess
Medium Brute Force SP800-63B
4 Verify: Password contains characters from the following categories: Upper and lower case alphabets, numbers, special characters and unicodes
Reason: Increases passwords entropy which makes it harder to predict
High Brute Force MS365
5 Verify: Common or previously breached passwords are blocked
Reason: Protect against password guessing
Medium Brute Force ACS, ASVS, SP800-63B
6 Verify: The user is not asked to set password hints
Reason: Reveals information about the password, which makes it easier to guess
High Brute Force ASVS, SP800-63B
7 Verify: The user is notified of an account creation via email
Reason: The user is aware of the use of their email on an external website
Medium Impersonation ASVS, SP800-63B

📦 Credential Storage🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Passwords are hashed before storing in the database
Reason: In case of a password leak, the hashed passwords won't allow access to an account
High SQL Injection PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
2 Verify: User IDs are stored securely in the database by either hashing or encrypting them
Reason: In case of a data breach, user IDs are unreadable
Low SQL Injection
3 Verify: Only approved encrypting and hashing algorithms are used
Reason: Unapproved hashing algorithms are insecure since they can be bypassed and clear text values can be extracted
High Weak Hash, Weak Encryption PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
4 Verify: Salt is used before hashing passwords
Reason: Makes passwords even more complex by adding additional characters to it. Also helps make same passwords used by multiple users different
High Brute Force PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
5 Verify: Salt is at least 32 bits in size
Reason: Makes it challenging to be guessed
High Brute Force PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
6 Verify: Salt is unique for each password
Reason: When two users choose the same password, their hash won't be the same as each password is appended to a unique salt
High Brute Force PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
7 Verify: Salt is generated by using secure random algorithms
Reason: Makes it hard to predict the value of the hash
High Brute Force PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
8 Verify: Peppering can be used in addition to salting
Reason: Adds additional security to the passwords. Preferred for sensitive accounts
Low Brute Force OPSCS
9 Verify: If peppering is used, it is stored in a password vault
Reason: More secure than storing in the database
High Brute Force OPSCS
10 Verify: Pepper rotation policy is in place
Reason: In case of a leak, rotation policy will invalidate the older pepper
High Brute Force, Credential Theft OPSCS
11 Verify: Pepper is produced by using secure random algorithms
Reason: Makes it challenging to guess the value
High Brute Force OPSCS

🚦 User Verification🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: If account lockout is in place for the provided user ID, authentication process should not even start
Reason: Response time delays during authentication can reveal if an account exists in the database or not. This is also a waste of resources
Medium Brute Force
2 Verify: An account is locked after a certain number of failed attempts
Reason: Rate limiting mechanism to prevent guessing
High Brute Force ACS, ASVS
3 Verify: Account lockout is not for a fixed time rather, it should increase exponentially with each failed login attempt
Reason: Rate limiting mechanism that makes it challenging for guessing attacks to occur
Medium Brute Force ACS, SP800-63B
4 Verify: The user is notified via email when an account lockout takes place
Reason: The user must be aware if someone tried to guess their account so they can change their password
High Brute Force
5 Verify: Error responses for failed login attempts are generic such as: user ID or password is incorrect
Reason: Too specific error messages can reveal information about the user's account
Medium Brute Force ACS
6 Verify: HTTP status codes during authentication are generic
Reason: Too specific error messages can reveal information about the user's account
Informational Brute Force ACS
7 Verify: Response time for user ID and password checks during authentication should be the same
Reason: The difference in response time can indicate if credentials was found in the database or not
Medium Brute Force ACS
8 Verify: All authentication cookies must follow implementation guidelines in Session Management
Reason: Implement authentication cookies securely
High Cookie Poisoning ACS, SP800-63B
19 Verify: The user is sent an email notification if login occurs from a different device, IP, or geo-location
Reason: In case someone else logged into the user's account without their consent
Low Impersonation ACS

🔃 Credential Reset🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: The user is required to reauthenticate before a password or user ID reset
Reason: Ensures that the actual user is making a change, not someone else
High Impersonation xxxxxxxx ACS, SP800-63B
2 Verify: The user is required to type the new password twice
Reason: Helps prevent typos
Low SP800-63B
3 Verify: Reuse of old passwords is not allowed
Reason: Users are likely to use the same password across many websites, which can be a risk if one of those websites is compromised
Low Brute Force
4 Verify: When a new credential is set, it must follow Registration and Credential Storage guidelines for secure handling and storage
Reason: Ensure that new credentials are secure
High Credential Theft
5 Verify: Email notification is sent to this user when a credential change is successful
Reason: Incase the user did not authorize a password change, they should know someone else did
Medium Impersonation ACS, SP800-63B

🤔 Forgot Credentials🔗

When a user chooses forgot credentials, their identity can be verified through multiple ways:

  • Generate a PIN that can be sent to the user with the provided email. This PIN needs to be confirmed before a password reset is allowed
  • Create a token and pass it into the query string, create a limited session around that unique URL, and send it to the user's email
  • Recovery/Backup codes can also be used to give access when the user forgets their password

The following items must be considered for using PINS, URL tokens or Backup Codes.


#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: The PIN must be 6 to 12 digits long
Reason: Increase complexity which helps against guessing
High Brute Force FPCS
2 Verify: The PIN is unique and is generated using secure random algorithms
Reason: Provides additional protection against guessing since a truly random value is hard to predict
High Brute Force FPCS
3 Verify: The PIN is sent to either email or phone number that the user provided
Reason: The possession of the PIN verifies their identity
High Credential Theft FPCS
4 Verify: A limited time session is permitted for the PIN until it expires
Reason: In case the PIN leaks through an email/phone compromise, it is no longer active after a few minutes
High Credential Theft FPCS
5 Verify: Use Credential Storage policies for hashing the PIN when it's being stored
Reason: Helps against database compromise or PIN leakage
High Credential Theft FPCS
6 Verify: A generic message is shown if the email provided exists or not such as: "A PIN will be sent to the provided email if it exists in the database"
Reason: Too specific error messages can reveal information about the user's account
Medium Brute Force FPCS
7 Verify: The PIN is checked for validity before the user can set the set a new password
Reason: The likelihood of a logic error is high when PIN validity check and password reset happen together
High Logic Error, Impersonation FPCS
8 Verify: The PIN in invalidated once it has been used
Reason: Prevent the reuse of the PIN in case an attacker gets a hold of it
High Credential Theft FPCS

URL Token

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: The token is generated using secure random algorithms
Reason: Protection against guessing since a random value is hard to predict
High Brute Force xxxxxxxxxxx FPCS
2 Verify: Use Credential Storage checklist for hashing the token for secure storage
Reason: Helps against database compromise or token leakage
High Credential Theft FPCS
3 Verify: URL is hard-coded rather than relying on the host header
Reason: Protection against host header injection
Medium Host Header Injection FPCS
4 Verify: The reset password page uses the Referrer Policy tag with the noreferrer value
Reason: Prevention against referrer leakage
Medium Referrer Leakage FPCS
5 Verify: A limited session is allowed for the URL token before it expires
Reason: In case the token leaks through an email/phone compromise, is no longer active after a few minutes
High Credential Theft FPCS
6 Verify: The token is checked for validity before the user can set the set a new password
Reason: Ensures that the request is coming from the intended user
High Impersonation FPCS
7 Verify: The token is invalidated once it has been used
Reason: Prevent the reuse of the token
High Credential Theft FPCS

Additional Authenticator Factor

Recovery/Backup code security checklist can be viewed here

Continue ...

Once the user has been confirmed, then Credential Reset checklist must be used

📋 Authentication Policies🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: All authentication-related events must be logged, such as account lockout, account creation, account login, etc.
Reason: Helps in detecting and investigating security incidences
High Insufficient Logging ACS
2 Verify: Passwords and private user IDs aren't logged
Reason: Sensitive user data exists in plaintext
High Information Leakage LCS
3 Verify: All user-supplied input i.e. passwords, user IDs, PINs etc., should never be trusted and must be validated
Reason: Protect against injection or denial of service attacks
High SQL Injection ACS
4 Verify: TLS (HTTPS) and Strict-Transport-Security header is enable for every authentication process
Reason: Network traffic is encrypted which helps prevent eavesdropping
High Eavesdropping ACS, SP800-63B
5 Verify: Rate limiting mechanisms exist
Reason: Prevention against guessing and denial of service
High Denial of Service, Brute Force SP800-63B
6 Verify: Password expiration is in place
Reason: Incase password leaks it is not active forever
Medium Impersonation, Credential Theft ACS, SP800-63B
7 Verify: The application requires the user to reauthenticate for sensitive features such as payment, updating password or user ID etc.
Reason: Ensures that request is coming from the intended user
High Impersonation ACS, SP800-63B
8 Verify: User has the option to set a second or multi-factor authentication
Reason: Password leak won't have any impact because the second factor is still not compromised
High Impersonation, Credential Theft PSCS, ASVS, SP800-63B
9 Verify: Re-authentication takes place after a period of inactivity
Reason: This helps to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts and sensitive information, even if a user's device or session has been compromised
High Impersonation ACS, SP800-63B

🔴 Authentication in Production🔗

#️⃣ ✅Items ⚠️Severity ☠️Vulnerabilities 🔗Sources
1 Verify: Regularly monitor log activity
Reason: To detect any suspicious activity such as multiple failed login attempts
High Most Vulnerabilities
2 Verify: Periodically review registered user IDs for suspicious entries
Reason: Ensure that registered usernames are not impersonating someone else, using profanity, or containing malicious characters
Medium Website Defacement, Impersonation
3 Verify: Third party software or libraries used for password authentication are updated to the most recent version and are regularly patched
Reason: Vulnerability in a third party resource can grant an attacker unauthorized access
High Vulnerable Dependency
4 Verify: Conduct regular security assessments, vulnerability scans, and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in custom and third-party code
Reason: Identify any security vulnerabilities that might have appeared in password authentication implementation
High Most Vulnerabilities

🔗 Sources:

Microsoft (MS):

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP):

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST):